Saturday, November 24, 2007

Good-Bye Black Friday, Hello Cyber Monday! USA, LLCSome of you may have witnessed some of the interesting things that happened around the web on Black Friday. Probably most notable was Amazon's servers crashing in the middle of their day full of "lightening deals," forcing the hour-by-hour specials that were supposed to end at 6pm to go on until 9pm. I guess that's the online equivalent of having to call the riot police to break up a madhouse.

But Amazon is trudging forward, and has even announced that the Lightening Deals on their Gold Box page will now be a feature every day of the week. We'll keep them posted here on Let's Save Some Money! in the banner on the right for you to check out.

In the meantime, we're ready to move forward with Cyber Monday! Okay, it's not quite the big deal that Black Friday is yet, but some would argue that the deals are better because the online folks are trying harder. Since Cyber Monday is the day they want to claim as their own piece of retail heaven, the online shops are digging deep to make it the national institution black Friday has become.

Look out for those deals, and we'll post 'em as we find 'em.

Cyber Monday and Beyond Online Specials at

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