For those of you who don't know, we LOVE Dave Ramsey in our home. He has great finacial advice and ways that you can live peaceful knowing you don't have huge debt looming over you. His boks are great and inspiring. If you haven't read anything by him go check out a book at the library!
Anyway, Dave Ramsey will be a holding a nationwide seminar entitled Town Hall For Hope. In this seminar he will be talking about the economy and how it affects us, what we need to do to be at peace, how we can still get out of debt and live debt free in this economy as welll as direct questions about 401Ks, homes, cars, credit cards, saving money, etc! It will be chock full of great information.
Go to the site below and find a location hosting the event near you! Erik and I will be going to one near us.
I totally recommend that you attend this FREE event! Yep, you read it right, it's FREE to attend as well as host! So, what's stopping you from getting debt-free?